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Educational and pedagogical programmes for foreigners

"Study Russian!"
"Teacher and Counselor at language Camp
"Santa Lingua"
Educational Centre "Santa Lingua" is a student, children, youth organization committed to enhancing the experience of those students (school children) interested in learning foreign languages and of world culture.
SL is a social organization serving both the educational and recreational demands of students.
SL is responsible for student coordination with the Universities of Izhevsk, as well as bringing many distinguished speakers to this organization to discuss relevant issues. It also manages seminars on teaching methods for teachers of the Udmurtia Republic.
Udmurtia Republic is a semi-autonomous republic within Russian Federation. Izhevsk, the capital city of Udmurtia, is located in the central part of the republic. It is a huge industrial centre where 49 large enterprises are located.
  • OUR MISSSION (goals):
    The Mission of educational centre "Santa Lingua" is to ensure an excellent school education in the sphere of foreign languages by providing innovative, challenging and diverse learning opportunities for each student.
    We encourage students to get involved in various language clubs, workshops, language classes, and other activities that are available to them.
    We believe that successful experience each day at educational centre "Santa Lingua" makes students eager to return the next time (session). Achievement is recognized and rewarded through several unique recognition systems.
    Your support and assistance is vital to this process to make the educational centre "Santa Lingua" a good place for learning.

    "Santa Lingua" is committed to providing relevant programmes and to preparing teaching personnel responsive to the needs of contemporary University education at linguistic departments.
    "SL" is also committed to enhancing the professional skills of teachers, counselors, linguists to render them capable of providing quality education to multicultural learners.
    This commitment includes preparing educators and students who are: reflective decision makers, effective performers, culturally sensitive and hold a global perspective.
    These outcomes comprise the major purpose of the educational preparation programme.

Work at the outdoor language camp
Every session of the outdoor language camp is based on role-play, the counsellors and the kids have their roles, which they play during the whole session.
Morning lessons – 3 hour lessons of teaching foreign language.
After lunch time – 2 hours of creative activities (music class, drama class, arts and crafts, press-centre, sports, debate class, etc. – all are conducted in a foreign language).
Evening performances – theatrical shows performed in the foreign language.
What will I do at the camp?
This programme "Study at language camp "Santa Lingua" gives you an opportunity to be a counsellor and a teacher of foreign language.
Counsellor: Your duty as a counsellor is to be with your group of kids (usually 20-25 kids) all the time, explain to the children the role-play of the session, follow the rules of the role-play.
You are responsible for keeping a daily routine at the camp with your group of kids.
Teacher of foreign language: You are responsible for holding 3 hour lessons of foreign language.
Where shall I live?
The outdoor language camp is based at the children's summer centre (camp "Dzerzhinets"), it is located 7 km away from Izhevsk city, in a beauty spot in the woods, not far from Izhevsk Lake.
All counsellors live together with children in comfortable 2-story brick buildings.
There are usually 2 to 4 people who live together in a spacious room.
There is phone line, TV, toilet, shower.
Daily regulations:

8.30 – Wake up call, Morning exercise
9.00 – Morning Assembly (meeting with your group of kids to discuss activities for the day)
9.30 – Breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 – English Lessons (45 min. of study and 15 min. break)
13.30 – Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Creative activities (music, drama, arts, sports, debates, etc.)
16.15 – Tea time
17.00 – 19.00 – Preparations for the evening show with your group of kids
19.00 – Dinner
20.00 – 21.00 – Evening performance
21.30 – 23.00 – Disco
23.00 – Sharing at the candle light (meeting with your group of kids to discuss how you spent the day)
23.45 – Lights off
How shall I study Russian?
Our teacher of Russian makes the individual programme for you, which is based on your level of knowledge of the Russian language and your request.
When you are in the camp you have 24-hours of talking in Russian with kids and counsellors. This is an excellent opportunity to practice your Russian. We propose you having 1 hour of Russian lesson with a private teacher with the focus on Russian grammar. Mixing with kids and counsellors will help to develop your communication skills.
You also may have lessons of Russian in between the outdoor language camps. There is usually 1-week break between the camps. So you may have as many hours of Russian as you wish.
"Santa Lingua" provides you with learning material. At the end of your course of Russian you will receive language certificate.
What shall I take with me?
- Toiletries
- Towel
- Sleepers
- Swimming suit
- Sports clothes
- Sneakers
- Jacket, sweater, cap (in case it rains)
- Evening dress – red-letter day
- Aspirin
- Throat drops (be prepared to support your team when they play baseball, or perform on the stage)
- Medicine for cough and sore throat
- Medicine for your stomach
It would be great if you could take with you:
- Flag of your country
- Geographical, political map of your country
- National costume
- Postcards with view of your country, city
Material for your teaching foreign language:
- Magazines and songs (traditional and modern);
- audios, videos, books.
What else can I do in "Santa Lingua"?
In "Santa Lingua" you have a great opportunity to do internship on the following subjects:
- Linguistic issues – based on experience in "Santa Lingua";
- Educational issues – based on experience in "Santa Lingua";
- Didactic issues – based on experience in "Santa Lingua";
- Social work in Udmurtia – study of drug and alcohol abuse, street children and orphans, etc.
Susanna Strasser, a former student of Munich University completed her Masters' Degree in Pedagogy. Her studies were in "Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades des Magister Artium der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen" - "Das Deutschlandbild russischer Jugendlicher". This was based on her work that she had done in "Santa Lingua".
Sightseeing in Russia and Udmurtia
Travelling in Russia: There is a great travel offer to go to Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Golden Ring and other historical places in Russia!
Travelling in Udmurtia: "Santa Lingua" invites you to visit the oldest cities of Udmurtia:
Votkinsk – visit to the birth place of the great Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky! A trip to downtown, a boat trip on Votkinsk Lake.
Sarapul – visit to the house of famous merchant Bashenin
Izhevsk – visit to the National Museum of Udmurtia, visit to the arms museum of Kalashnikov! Boat trip on Izhevsk Lake.
In the evenings you have a variety of places to go out – discos, bowling, pool, Russian and other national cuisine.
Terms, conditions&guarantee
"Santa Lingua" organises several sessions of outdoor language camps during summer time (June to August). Each session lasts 8 to 18 days.
We provide:
- Visa support.
- Accommodation in the camp.
- Meals (5 times a day) in the camp.
- Lessons of Russian (during the camp sessions).
- Study materials for learning Russian (text books, videos, tapes, etc.).
- Language Certificate.
Educational institution "Santa Lingua" is supported by the State Committee of the Youth Affairs of Udmurt Republic, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Udmurt Republic.
If you decide to come to "Santa Lingua" you will receive an information leaflet.
  • Motivation Letter
    Please state why you chose this programme, what results you expect to achieve.
  • Copy of passport
    Please check date of expiry of your passport. Consult with Russian Embassy in your country because the dates of expiry of your passport by the time you return from Russia may vary from 1 to 6 months!
  • Doctor's certificate
    To certify that you suit for communicating with children
    medical insurance for the whole stay in Russia.
  • Academic qualifications
    In chronological order please write down academic institutions you finished.
    Please write down degrees that you obtained
  • Work experience
    In chronological order please write down your places of work, position held.
  • Social activity
    Please write down if you are a member of a club or society.
  • NB!
    This programme "Study at language camp "Santa Lingua" offers you MAXIMUM 90 DAYS stay in Russia! Please remember this when you purchase your tickets to Russia.
    When you enter Russian Federation please remember to fill out 2 blanks of immigration card at the customs.
To process invitation for your Russian visa you need to include the following information:
Note: this programme is for young people under 30 years old!
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